Your home need support of a mountain or tall buildings or plants behind. If there is a river or road behind then you will find no support in life. If you absolutely cannot create higher ground behind, hang a painting or picture of a turtle at the back portion of your home, or even better keep a turtle, a real turtle, a ceramic or bronze one will do just fine. You can also keep one in the north of your house.

feng shui highways
Master Chan Tin Nam 陳天楠師傅

Feng Shui Service:

Feng Shui for home
Public building $5000
Home Ownership $6000
Below 1000sq ft$8800

Feng Shui for business
below  500sq ft$5800
below 1000sq ft$8800


陳天楠師傳家居風水圖例(一) Feng Shui Sample(一)

陳天楠師傳家居風水圖例(二) Feng Shui Sample(二)

電話:23622063 馮生代接電話
whatapp Whatsapp:61812812

地址 : 旺角煙廠街九號,興發商業大廈2103 (必需預約)


風水服務, 2015風水佈局, 2016風水佈局, 2017風水佈局, 2018風水佈局, 家居風水, 2015風水佈局, 2016風水佈局, 2017風水佈局, 2018風水佈局, 風水命理, 風水擺設, 風水植物, 風水玄學, 香港風水網


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