電話:23622063 馮生代接電話 電話/whatsappwhatsapp_s:(852)61812812 內地電話:18717730782(內地朋友) 地址 : 旺角煙廠街九號,興發商業大廈2103 (必需預約)

e-mail: fengshuipro168@yahoo.com.hk


目前分類:Fung Shui master (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Feng Shui - Is the left side higher than the right side?

If you are living in an apartment and have no control over the landscaping, it is an great idea to energise the dragon inside your home. Place a picture of a dragon on any of the East walls of your home, OR place a ceramic representation of the dragon on the East side of your living room.

Feng Shui for home
公屋(Public building)$5000
居屋(Home Ownership)$6000
1000尺以下below 1000sq ft$8800

Feng Shui for business

  500尺以下below  500sq ft$5800
1000尺以下below 1000sq ft$8800

陳天楠師傳家居風水圖例(一) Feng Shui Sample(一)

陳天楠師傳家居風水圖例(二) Feng Shui Sample(二)

電話:23622063 Mr. Fung

whatapp Whatsapp:61812812

地址 : 旺角煙廠街九號,興發商業大廈2103 (必需預約)


, 2015風水佈局, 2016風水佈局, 2017風水佈局, 2018風水佈局, 家居風水, 蘇民峰2015風水佈局, 蘇民峰2016風水佈局, 蘇民峰2017風水佈局, 蘇民峰2018風水佈局, 風水命理, 風水擺設, 風水植物, 風水玄學, 香港風水網


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Your home have water infront?

Its excellent feng shui to have water infront. Also houses that face  north west 2 or 3, south east 2 or 3 and south west 1. or north east 1 have wealth star in front of the house if it was built or renovated after 2004. So when you have water in front it brings tremendous wealth for years and years. A great cure against poison arrows from neighbouring buildings is a large fountain in front of the entrance into your building. This benefits everyone.

FENG SHUI water infront

Master Chan Tin Nam 陳天楠師傅

Feng Shui Service:

Feng Shui for home
Public building $5000
Home Ownership $6000
Below 1000sq ft$8800

Feng Shui for business
below  500sq ft$5800
below 1000sq ft$8800

陳天楠師傳家居風水圖例(一) Feng Shui Sample(一)

陳天楠師傳家居風水圖例(二) Feng Shui Sample(二)

電話:23622063 馮生代接電話

whatapp Whatsapp:61812812

地址 : 旺角煙廠街九號,興發商業大廈2103 (必需預約)


, 2015風水佈局, 2016風水佈局, 2017風水佈局, 2018風水佈局, 家居風水, 2015風水佈局, 2016風水佈局, 2017風水佈局, 2018風水佈局, 風水命理, 風水擺設, 風水植物, 風水玄學, 香港風水網


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Your home need support of a mountain or tall buildings or plants behind. If there is a river or road behind then you will find no support in life. If you absolutely cannot create higher ground behind, hang a painting or picture of a turtle at the back portion of your home, or even better keep a turtle, a real turtle, a ceramic or bronze one will do just fine. You can also keep one in the north of your house.

feng shui highways

Master Chan Tin Nam 陳天楠師傅

Feng Shui Service:

Feng Shui for home
Public building $5000
Home Ownership $6000
Below 1000sq ft$8800

Feng Shui for business
below  500sq ft$5800
below 1000sq ft$8800


陳天楠師傳家居風水圖例(一) Feng Shui Sample(一)

陳天楠師傳家居風水圖例(二) Feng Shui Sample(二)

電話:23622063 馮生代接電話
whatapp Whatsapp:61812812

地址 : 旺角煙廠街九號,興發商業大廈2103 (必需預約)


風水服務, 2015風水佈局, 2016風水佈局, 2017風水佈局, 2018風水佈局, 家居風水, 2015風水佈局, 2016風水佈局, 2017風水佈局, 2018風水佈局, 風水命理, 風水擺設, 風水植物, 風水玄學, 香港風水網


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